The Highest Award Of India is Bharat Ratna

Bharat Ratna  The bharat ratna (Hindi pronunciation: jewel of india)is the very exceptional civilian award of the republic of india. Instituted on  january 1954, the award is conferred in popularity of remarkable provider/overall performance of absolutely the fine order, barring huge distinction of race, career, position, or intercourse. The award was once in the beginning restrained to achievements within the arts, literature, science, and public offerings, as an alternative the authorities expanded the necessities to encompass "any region of human endeavour" in december 2011. The recommendations for the bharat ratna are made via using the use of the top minister to the president, with a maximum of 3 nominees being awarded in keeping with 12 months. The recipients acquire a sanad (certificates) signed by way of the president and a peepal leaf-shaped medallion. There may be no monetary provide associated with the award. Bharat ratna recipients rank 7th inside the indian o



Now a days people are facing many problems regarding health because of there busy schedule not only adult but childrens are also busy on mobile phones  they play games in mobile and this condition create problems for health and this is very serious problem. To overcome with this problem there are many things you can do it like playing cricket, football etc. 
The most effective one is Yoga to overcome from these problems 

10 Yogic asans for healthy lifestyle 




  •  Sit in any meditative posture 
  • Close the eyes and relax the whole body.
  • Inhale deeply through both nostrils, expand the chest.

  • Expel the breath with forceful contractions of the abdominal muscles and relax.
  • Do not strain.
  • Continue active/forceful exhalation and passive inhalation.
  • Complete 30 rapid breaths, then take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • This is one round of Kapalabhati.
  • Each round shall be followed by deep breathing.
  • Repeat 2 more rounds.

Number of rounds:

Beginners can practice up to 3 rounds of 20 breaths each. The count and rounds can be increased gradually over a period of time.


  • Kapalabhati purifies the frontal air sinuses; helps to overcome cough disorders.
  • It is useful in treating cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma and bronchial infections.
  • It rejuvenates whole body, and keeps the face young and vibrant.
  • It balances and strengthens the nervous system and tones up the digestive system.


Please avoid this practice in case of cardiac conditions and giddiness, high blood pressure, vertigo, chronic bleeding in the nose, epilepsy, migraine, stroke, hernia and        gastric ulcers.

Breathing :

Forceful exhalation by contracting the abdominal muscles, without any undue movements in the chest and shoulder region. Inhalation should be passive throughout the practice.


Anulom Vilom Pranayam is an alternate breathing technique. Close your eyes. Breathe in from left nostril closing right nostril with thumb and breathe out from right nostril closing left nostril with ring finger and middle finger.

 Benefits of Anulom   Vilom Pranayama:

Effects on brain positive thinking

  1. Treats snoring.
  1. Controls obesity.
  1. Beneficial for arthritis.
  1. It treats constipation.
  1. Controls allergic problems.
  1. Manages blood circulation.
  1. Improves muscular system.
  1. Diabetics can be controlled.
  1. Maintains digestive system.
  1. Blood pressure can be cured.
  1. Decreases stress and anxiety.
  1. Effects on brain positive thinking.
  1. Helps in making heart health healthy.
  1. Transfers negative to positive thoughts.
  1. Increases pure oxygen supply throughout the body


Procedure :

It is a meditative asana and it is very easy to perform vajrasana kneel down on the ground with your knee, ankles and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backward. Now place your palm of your hands on the knees .The upper body should be straight. At this point of time the breathing should be deep, even and slow. Then expend your chest forward and pull your abdominal portion  inwards .
This procedure should be performed on regular basis for minimum 5 .


  •  It is helpful in improving concentration 

  •  It enhance memory power
  • It cures mental stress 

  • It removes postrul defects 

  •  It helps in reducing hip fat 

Contraindications :

  • A person suffering from joint pain should     not perform this asana 

  • The individual who have any spinal     column problem should also not   perform this asana

  • The  individual who have some  difficulty in movement should not  perform this asana 


Procedure :

First of all stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arms sideways up to the shoulder level. Bend the trunk sideways and raise the right hand upward. Touch the ground with left hand behind left foot. After some time, do the same asana with opposite arm in the same way. Every day perform this asana on regular basis to reduce your love handles 

Benefits :

  •  It increases mental and physical     equilibrium 

  •  It reduce stress ,anxiety, back pain  and sciatica 

  •  It help in increasing height 

  • It reduce blood pressure 

  • It helps in reducing the excess body       weight 

Contraindications :



  • In this asana, the shape of the body remains like snake that is why this is also called as bhujangasna .

  • To perform this asana, lie down on your belly on the grounds. 
  • keep your hands near the shoulder 

  •  keep your legs close together ,then straight up your arms slowly, raise the chest. 

  •  Your head should turn backward then keep this position for some time 

  • Then, get back to the normal position 

  • perform this asana on regular basis and for good result perform this asana 5 to 10 times 


  • It alleviates obesity 
  • It provides strength and agility 
  • It cures the disease of liver 
  • It improves blood circulation 


  • This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches and recent abdominal surgeries 
  • Pregnant women should not perform this asana 



  • Lie down on your back on a plain surface. 

  • Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body 

  • Take a deep breath ,when you exhale bring your knees towards your chest 

  • At the same time press your thigh on your abdominal 

  • Clasp your hands around your legs 

  • Hold the asana when you breath normally 

  • Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. 

  • Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side 

  • Perform this asana on regular basis for good result 


  • It eases the tension in lower back 
  • It enhance the blood circulation in pelvic area 
  • It relieves constipation 
  • It helps in reducing the fats of thigh, buttocks and abdominal area 


  • If you are suffering from heart problem, hyper acidity, high blood pressure ,slipped disc and hernia you should avoid this asana 
  • Pregnant women should not perform this asana 
  • Individual suffering from piles should avoid this asana 



  • Sit down with the legs straight in front of the body 
  • After that bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh 
  • Then bend the left leg and keep the foot under the right thigh 
  • Place the hands on the knees 
  • Keep the head, neck and back straight then close the eyes 
  • Relax your body 


  • It stretches and lengthens spine 
  • It clams your mind 
  • It enhances anxiety ,stress and mental fatigue 
  • It helps in improving body posture 


  • If you knees and hips are injured or inflamed, you should avoid this asana .
  • If you have a slipped disc problem ,you should take proper care while performing this asana.



  • Stand up in attention position 
  • Lift you arms upward 
  • Stretch your hands upward 
  • Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also pull up body upward 
  • After some time breath out slowly and come to the previous position
  • Repeat the same exercise on regular basis and at least you should perform this asana 10 to 15 times


  • It helpful in developing physical and mental balance. 
  • It reduces obesity 
  • It cures constipation
  • It alleviates 


  • If you have low blood pressure you should not do this asana.
  • In case of headaches or insomnia you should avoid doing this asana 
  • Individual, who suffer from blood circulation problem such as faulty valves, should not perform this asana.




  • To perform this asana ,sit in padamasana. 
  • Then ,lie down in supine position and make an arch behind 
  • Hold your toes with the fingers of your hands 
  • Satya for some time in this position. 


  • It is helpful in curing back pain, knee pain and tonsillitis 
  • It also cures the defects of eyes 
  • It improves posture 
  • It is the best asana to get relief from asthma 


  • People suffering from migraine and insomnia also refrain from this asana 
  • The individual who have neck injuries or lower back problems should not perform this asana. 



  • Lie down in supine position 
  • Legs should be straight 
  • Keep the arms away from the body 
  • Leave all the limbs loose as well as relaxed 
  • Close your eyes and think that your whole body is becoming loose 
  • Feal a complete relaxation position for 10 to 12 minutes 


  • It strengthnes the previous system 
  • It controls high blood pressure 
  • It relieves mental tension 
  • It help to cure many cardiac problems 
  • It increases energy levels. 

For more details about yoga and for practical view watch YouTube 


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