The Highest Award Of India is Bharat Ratna

Bharat Ratna  The bharat ratna (Hindi pronunciation: jewel of india)is the very exceptional civilian award of the republic of india. Instituted on  january 1954, the award is conferred in popularity of remarkable provider/overall performance of absolutely the fine order, barring huge distinction of race, career, position, or intercourse. The award was once in the beginning restrained to achievements within the arts, literature, science, and public offerings, as an alternative the authorities expanded the necessities to encompass "any region of human endeavour" in december 2011. The recommendations for the bharat ratna are made via using the use of the top minister to the president, with a maximum of 3 nominees being awarded in keeping with 12 months. The recipients acquire a sanad (certificates) signed by way of the president and a peepal leaf-shaped medallion. There may be no monetary provide associated with the award. Bharat ratna recipients rank 7th inside the indian o

55 days of Lockdown

2020 beings to make history    for several years because of covid-19 .

The awareness about the the coronavirus begins from the  first  month of 2020 but it was taken in a funny  way by citizens of India but in the first week of March the victims of covid-19 are being identified.

The victims of covid -19 are identified almost every day and the cases of   covid -19 are increasing at diminishing rate .

The school and college begins with the shutdown stage and board exams were also cancelled .

On 22 March Prime Minister Narendra Damodar Das Modi  had announced Janta Curfew and every citizen had follow the janta curfew rules and appreciated all the Doctors, Police forces because all of them are working for us only .

On 22 March every transportation services had been closed as well as the shops were also closed only for 1 day but on 23 March Prime Minister Narendra Damodar Das Modi  announced that from 24  March  2020 there will be complete lockdown till 15 April 2020.

Simultaneously all the services are being closed only essential services are allowed like shops and there is  time limit  to open these shops .

The most struggling community is labourers ,daily wages worker who had faced several problems during first phase of lockdown 

The labours are helpless they are traveling many -many kilometers to reach their home by walking the government has not arranged any transport services for these labours.

The labourers  one who make houses ,the labourers who make road, the labours who make transportation vehicle  ,the labour who  pack food but at  end when they want something for them self then government fails to help these lobours.

The worst condition is  that the women and children are helpless  because they are walking miles and miles and the essential need for survival is food and water but they are failed to get these life survival foods that is why they decided to move to their home towns.

Continuously the government stated that they are arranging transportation services to help them to reach their homes but all these things are only on papers but in actuality the percentage is very less ,only there are few worker who got facialited by these services but most of the workers still facing many  problems from lockdown 2.0,and in 3.0 and it is still continuous till lockdown 4.0.


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